Improving potency and strengthening your intimate capabilities is a voluminous topic that is relevant for every man. The right lifestyle, the regularity of intercourse, the use of traditional medicine - all this affects the improvement of abilities, but it takes time before the result occurs.

There are situations when you need to improve male potency and boost libido as quickly as possible. For example, before a romantic date where you really want to impress your partner with your passion, sometimes you need to increase your power.
There is no reason to think about how to increase potency if there is no strength, vitality and only bad mood and fatigue. No matter how strong a man's libido is, it can hardly be improved and strengthened in this state during a meeting.
Potency is controlled by the brain, so if the brain gives the command "lie down and rest", it is very difficult to rely on strengthening potency. This means that you can improve your libido if you trick your brain a little by using:
- Short sleep or rest with maximum relaxation.
- Contrast shower.
- Easy loading.
- Make a delicious light dinner with a cup of natural coffee.
Our body has a lot of energy reserves and these simple techniques are quite enough to strengthen our strength, and strengthening will help ensure that the potency will not fail.
A good method to improve strength is caffeine. Many men prefer to drink a little alcohol, but for activity it would be much better to drink strong natural coffee, natural cocoa, hot chocolate or well-brewed tea with a slice of lemon. In addition, a man who drinks alcohol is unlikely to look decent in the eyes of his wife.

Stress greatly affects a man's potency, namely, it increases the fear of a new partner. Even the strongest desire can be stopped by a banal anxiety, a subconscious fear of "not being up to par", and this cannot improve his libido. The best thing you can do is relax, improve the rhythmof breathing and convince yourself by self-convincing that everything will be fine. You should not use sedatives - if the ultimate goal of the meeting is not a sweet dream by the side of a disheartened girlfriend, but to improve your intimate life.
A little secret in this situation is to take vitamin C - ordinary ascorbic acid. It has the ability to relieve stress by influencing adrenal hormones and improving mood. Therefore, after drinking 5-6 tablets before the meeting, you can go to it calmly, calmly and confidently. Even if the intake works like a placebo, the situation will definitely not be worse.
food additives
Not everyone wants to use synthetic drugs to improve potency in men, and that's absolutely right. If the body seriously gets used to them, the potency will depend only on the desired pill that can improve it, and this is a very doubtful prospect.
Chinese Potency Enhancer Dietary Supplement is a plant-based nutritional supplement that may have pre-meeting toning effects.
The drug works thanks to its composition, which can strengthen strength in bed:
- Horny goat weed is an aphrodisiac plant that increases testosterone.
- Ginseng is a root that increases the level of desire and can improve the activity of the whole organism.
- Northern moss - ensures blood flow to the pelvic organs, due to which an erection occurs.
- Krill extract is a source of substances that increase testosterone.
The product for men also contains medicinal herbs and zinc, which do not immediately increase sexual ability, but generally affect activity, stamina and can improve health. It should be noted that the supplement can be used by people of both sexes, in women it acts as a method of improving pleasure, in men - as a means of strengthening erection.
You can take the medicine in two ways:
- One-time, so the potency improves immediately before the act for 20-30 minutes.
- A course so that potency never causes problems. The manufacturer advises to take 1-2 capsules for two weeks to strengthen the reproductive system, after which you should take a break for a similar period.
The food supplement has no contraindications and restrictions, but it is not mixed with alcohol and is not recommended to be drunk with high blood pressure.
Other medicines
Despite the fact that most men refuse to take specially designed drugs that work to increase erections, many of them find, without leaving the pharmacy, what they should take to improve their sex life and strengthen their power on the romantic front. For example, there is a medicine based on royal jelly that is prescribed to weak and asthenic children with poor appetite and anxiety disorders to strengthen the immune system. And men who doubt their sexual power use it as a means to strengthen an erection.
The answer to this phenomenon is that libido is positively affected by royal jelly, which can improve libido and make intercourse better and last longer. But a person will rarely want to deal with royal jelly, because it is much easier to go to the pharmacy, buy a medicine based on royal jelly, put it under the tongue, one tablet three times a day and wait for the tone. to improve.
Water procedures
You can improve potency before intercourse with ice. Resourceful men used this method many decades ago, but even today it does not lose its relevance due to the ease of implementation.
The simplest way to strengthen your tone is to go to the steam room and then plunge into a cold pool. But if the time frame while waiting for an appointment does not leave an opportunity to go to the bathroom, strengthening can be achieved more simply: fill two containers with water of different temperatures - let one be moderately hot, and the second cold, but not ice. By lowering your penis into each container in turn, you can improve your libido.
You can supplement the male potency enhancement methods with cold water by using ice. To do this, you need to take half a kilogram of ice, wrap it in a towel and apply it alternately to the head, heart and scrotum for exactly one minute. It is necessary to repeat the manipulations until the ice melts. It is extremely important not to cool the organs, trying to strengthen the sexual functions, otherwise the strengthening will be in vain.
Physical exercises
To improve sexual function, it is necessary to master the technique of performing physical exercises and strengthening the body. The person is asked to sit on the mat, grasp the heel tendon with his hands and begin to rub it. At the same time, when the hand goes down, the pressure should be strong, and when it goes up, it should be light, stroking.
But it is much easier to do simple exercises to strengthen the muscles that will make the blood circulate properly in the pelvic organs. They include:
- Swinging the pelvis in different directions.
- Squats.
- Contraction of the thigh muscles from a standing position.
- From a lying position, raise your legs one at a time and describe circular movements with the tips of your fingers.

According to numerous reviews, the most effective method of physical training to improve potency in men is squatting. But the moment of enjoyment of the exercise is very important. If the feeling of physical satisfaction from exercise appears after jumping rope, playing ball or barbell pull-ups, then this is what a particular man needs, his personal ways to improve tone before intercourse. And strengthening the muscular system will be a nice bonus to your attractiveness.
Healthy life style
Of course, there are many methods of how to strengthen your confidence in your sexual abilities and not be shy with the lady of your heart on a romantic date. After all, you can regularly drink a pill from the pharmacy and not think about the body's own capabilities, for which strengthening strength is the way to increase capabilities.
To make sure that the problem of urgent improvement of libido does not arise every time, it is better to stick to simple rules that will tell you exactly how to improve potency for many years, without chemicals or methods dangerous forhealth.
- Regular sex life with a regular partner.
- A balanced diet that will maintain optimal levels of hormones, including sex hormones, in the blood.
- Playing sports improves general tone and energy, strengthens muscles.
- Giving up bad habits such as drinking alcohol or smoking. It has been proven that a smoker faces problems with erectile dysfunction more often than a person who has given up smoking.
- Timely and regular examination by a urologist, examination and treatment of detected pathologies.
These five simple rules will allow the quality of sexual life to improve independently, without using any measures or methods to artificially strengthen the erection.